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Wednesday, August 15, 2007

New job!

I just got a job! Thank goodness - like I've been saying, the domestic life is not for me (but at least I tried ;o) ! I'll be selling season tickets for a theatre company in Old Town (a stylish/upscale neighborhood here in Chicago). It's only temporary (through the beginning of October sometime), since they stop selling them once the first production begins. BUT, I've been pretty bored, so I'm willing to take anything that doesn't require evening/weekend hours. And, I'll be working with ticketing software that will surely come in handy on down the line. What's nice is that I can do this and still hunt for a job on campus. Once the theatre thing is done, I'll hopefully have something all lined up at school. Sounds like a plan ;o)


Unknown said...


Michelle said...

sounds great, congrats! sounds like what i did while living in NYC. it's usually a way to meet cool people.