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Tuesday, August 14, 2007

Another Busy Weekend...and my dog, the rock carrier


Busy weekend - Mom and Dad came to visit and traveled in on the Amtrak train. We took 'em to eat at Giordano's (true deep dish pizza), went on the Wendella at night (A boat ride that takes you down the Chicago river and onto the lake to see the amazing Chicago skyline), visited the Museum of Science and Industry, and took them on their very first trip to Trader Joe's (we had to do our grocery shopping at some point ;o). They had a good weekend, at least that's what they said - HA!

Next weekend will be a bit more relaxing (hopefully). Kurt (with me in tow) is going to a nutritionist to help with his recent Crohn's disease problems. We're hoping to find a remedy that doesn't involve more medicine! He's a little nervous that he might have to give up a lot of his favorite foods, but whatever will help works for me!

The next Saturday (Aug. 25th) is my Grad. School Orientation!!!! WOOHOO! I'm so excited to start school and finally have something to do other than domestic stuff - I'm not cut out to be a home-maker ;o)

I have had a few job interviews in the past week or so - last week I was offered 2 different jobs, but took neither. One required weekends and the other required evenings AND weekends AND only paid squat (it was at a non-profit theatre, which would have been cool, but I would like to have a life outside of school and work ;o) - bah. I had another interview yesterday for a theater production company (they put on Broadway shows in the city), but it's only temporary through October. We'll see about that one. If nothing works out, I'm not worried. Once school starts, I wanted to work down on campus anyways.

Funny story.

My dog - the rock carrier. So, today we were on our daily morning walk around our neighborhood. Shosta tends to pick up bottles, large seed pods that fall off of trees, sticks, and various trash (I try to discourage that, though ;o) as we walk around. Today, I accidentally kicked a rock - a BIG one. I stubbed my toe, so I stopped for a second to rub it a little. Then Shosta, for whatever crazy reason, tried to pick up this giant rock with her mouth. She scooted it around with her nose, scratched at it and moved it with her feet, and actually tried to bite it. Not really sure what she was thinking, but it was the funniest thing to watch. Eventually, she lifted it up a little bit, but couldn't really hold it long, so she let it drop. I found another rock that she could actually carry, kicked it in front of her, and away we went, rock in mouth.

1 comment:

Shosta's gammy and gampy said...

Hey you guys!! We DID have alot of fun in Chicago!! Between the heat and lack of sleep we did come home pooped though! I, especially, loved all the walking we had to do. The waiting was a pain but with all those crazy drivers there...who would want to drive?! The train and the L was fun for Nathan. The boat ride was nice and cool and the buildings were really awesome with all of their special architectural and lighting effects. The food was great too! :) We look forward to visiting again. In cooler weather though!!
Shosta is known in Vanlue for carrying empty pop bottles around! She'll pick up one and then drop it for a different one. hee-hee! She rearranges the trash in town. :) We love you guys! Thanks again for a great time! Love you all! mom