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Monday, July 30, 2007

Big weekend ahead!

We had a nice trip to Petoskey last week. We arrived back home in Chicago at 10:30pm (that's 11:30 to the rest of ya ;o). Friday was a long day of driving, but that's ok. Kurt drove us to Toledo to pick up Shosta (6.5 hours) from my parents and I drove to Chicago (4 hours). It was nice to drive again...I miss it. But, since Kurt takes the train to work, I can take the car out joy riding sometime - HA!

This coming weekend is LOLLAPALOOZA! We are both excited and dreading it at the same time. I think there's something like 100,000 people that go to this, so it's packed. Not exactly looking forward to that. BUT, we get to see SO many bands/artists, I'm sure it will be worth it.

Friday we're seeing: Chin up Chin up (local band), Ted Leo and the RX (East coast melodic punk - one of my fav. bands!), The Polyphonic Spree (Hippie - happy band made up of at least 20 people ;o), Silversun Pickups (Psychedelic pop rock), Black Keys (Duo of drum/guitar from Akron that's hit it big), LCD Soundsystem (Electronic pop/rock).

Saturday we're seeing: Tapes 'n Tapes (indie pop rock with an artsy flair), or Pete Yorn (laid back solo guitar - they are at the same time ;o(, Cold War Kids (indie pop rock), Regina Spektor (Solo piano, bit like cabaret) OR Hold Stead (Straight up "talk" rock - they, too, are at the same time), Yeah Yeah Yeahs (rock with a crazy chic lead singer), Spoon (Austin based, very tight indie rock), and Interpol (Rock, smooth and dark).

Sunday we're seeing: Kings of Leon (Tasteful southern rock), Yo La Tengo (psychedelic indie pop), Modest Mouse (artsy indie rock - one of my FAV bands for a LONG time ;o), TV on the Radio (Very melodic pop rock with an artsy feel), Pear Jam (Straight up jam rock - Kurt's pretty excited, he's been a fan since junior high ;o)

So as you can see, we've got a lot of great stuff to see this weekend! It's going to be pretty hot (Upper 80's lower 90's), but it is August. Hopefully the lake will give us a breeze.

Speaking of the Lake...ha ha...

On Saturday we took trip to the lake with Shosta. This is the dog with webbed feet (so we know somewhere in her family tree, there was a dog that swam) that HATES water. Actually, she did better than I thought. At first we waded in and she tried to get away. Then we picked her up and put her in some deeper water (up to her knees). She stayed! Then the we walked out some more, and the waves started to crash in on top of her. Not so good. SO, she pulled her way back to solid ground (you could see the claw marks in the sand). I decided that maybe if I went out further, she would see that it wasn't so bad. I called her name and she came running out as best as she could - it looked like she was jumping around! BUT, then a wave came over her, and she ran back again. We did this (me calling - her coming) a few times, but eventually she wanted no more of it. We took her to out and dried her off. And top it all off, we took her back and gave her a bath ;o)

I think we'll go to the lake with her again, just to see if it gets better with time. But, if she doesn't like it, oh well. She's never been like any other dog, so we're used to it ;o) HA!

1 comment:

Michelle said...

i have only found this yogurt at whole foods. luckily that's where i do most of my shopping!
i can't do the other ones either. you should definitely give this stuff a try-it's awesome! (and i am REALLY picky)
also there, but everywhere else too, is Pamela's baking mix. you can use it to make mix for pancakes, waffles, even cookies. it's wheat and gluten free but is AMAZING! you will not believe that you are eating something from a mix.