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Wednesday, July 18, 2007

Fun in the Rain!

Tonight Kurt and I went to see a great indie band called The Decemberists play with the Grant Park Orchestra (a summer festival orchestra that plays at Millennium park in Chicago). What a GREAT concert. It was jam packed, so we couldn't see a thing, but WOW! I haven't heard anything that amazing at a live concert! I wish more bands would play with an orchestra - it makes their music seem so much more anthem-like, fuller, and definitely more beautiful. The only problem - it was raining. We got caught in a nasty storm when we got off the train to head home. Our walk is approx. 8 or so minutes from the el to our place. But my sandals weren't co-operating - I kept sliding around. So, it took a little longer. Nothing like getting soaked ;o)

Anywho...to sum it all up...I now love the Decemberists because they play with orchestras ;o)

I'll put a picture of the Jay Pritzker Pavilion/Millennium park up sometime soon. It truly is a sight to behold. It's awesome. Kurt and I went there on vacation last year and were just awe-struck by it's beauty. Needless to say, I have tons of pictures of it somewhere (NO...I don't have a digital camera. I like my REAL camera with REAL pictures that look REAL nice...maybe someday, though ;o).

Take care!

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