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Wednesday, December 19, 2007

very excited and very busy.

So my break thus far has consisted of cleaning, wrapping gifts, and laundry...sounds like fun, huh?

But my break will be even brighter this Friday! Sweeney Todd, the movie, comes out on Friday! AND, we're going!!! I got tickets for a movie theater down on the Magnificent Mile. Fun Times!!!

So, funny story time.

Shosta (our dog) has terrible car anxiety. She shakes the entire time that we are in the car and rarely sits down. Since our car trips last in upwards of 6 hours now, that's a long time to be shaking and panting. I decided to go to the vet to get some medicine to help her and the vet suggested trying it out before the trip. So...we did.

Sunday afternoon I gave Shosta a half pill and waited. The poor thing got sleepy, but still wanted to walk around. She tried to jump off of her chair and wobbled a little. Then when she tried to jump onto the couch, she didn't quite make it. Her eyes were glassy and weepy looking - she was squinting, as if saying "These lights are too bright..." Poor thing...we felt terrible doing it. I just keep reminding myself that the vet told me to try it out. She was a little bit more spunky Sunday night, but Monday seemed as if she had a "hangover"...sleeping most of the morning. What perked her up is our morning walk...thank goodness!

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