'Ello to all.
I had orientation yesterday. For the most part, it was your typical "Welcome to the school" spiel. But I did get to schedule for classes. I've continued to play around with my schedule to see what I can add, but at this point in time, I've got 13 credit hours (9 is considered full time). It doesn't seem like much compared to undergrad (when I would take 18-22 hours), but grad classes are far more intense. Technically, they only suggest for us to take 10-11 hours our first semester, but I'm pushing the boundaries a bit :O)
We have a core list of classes we have to take (37 hours), then we have 9 hours (approx. 3 classes) in our concentration and 3 hours of workshops plus an internship. So, I took a look at the concentration classes that they offer and I want to take 8 of the classes. HA! I've got to figure out how to fit it all in - I'll probably end up taking some in the summer (if they offer them). Who knows...but I'm going to try to take them some way or another!
So, the classes I'm taking are (prepare to be bored to death ;o)
Economics for Arts Managers
Marketing Principles I
Basic Accounting for Arts Managers
The New Anatomy of the Record Industry
Music Industry Workshop
Human Resources
Intro to Arts Management
I'm looking forward to all of them - especially Accounting. At orientation, the Assoc. Chair of the Department (he's a cool, hip, old guy ;o) sat with us at our lunch. I was saying how excited I was to take accounting and everyone at the table looked at me in awe. Apparently no one likes that class ;o) HA! I can't wait to do financial statements and general ledger stuff. Yipee! I'm going to get my books early this week - we actually have homework to do for the first class before school even starts! Woohoo!!!
The only problem with my schedule is that working will be rough with my current job. Since it's only through October, I'm not too worried. But, nonetheless, it's going to be tough to get the 20+ hours that they are looking for. They don't open until 10 and the shifts that they schedule are usually 10:00-3:30. Some of my classes start at 3:30, so I'm not sure if they will be OK with me leaving early. And, on some days I'll have classes from 6:30 to 9:30, so I'll need time earlier in the day to prepare. Who knows. At least I don't have classes on Thursday - that will be easy to schedule. Like I've said many times, I'm hoping to get a campus job - they are super flexible (so I'm told by current grad. students), and I'll be able to go right from work to class (not a 40 minute commute in between). I may have to end up leaving my current job before October comes. I would feel bad doing that, but Kurt keeps reminding me that I need to think about myself more than them at this point in time. We'll see how it works out...
Take care!
Sunday, August 26, 2007
Friday, August 24, 2007
Busy busy
Ok...so it's been a while since I last posted. Lots to talk about but only a certain amount of words - that way you don't get bored reading my novel ;o)
First of all, Kurt and I went to his nutritionist last weekend. Turns out he has a few infections (both passive and active) - not sure how long they have been around, but likely for a while. He takes a drug for Crohn's disease that keeps his body from attacking his infected intestine. In turn, the medication also keeps his body from attacking other infections. Thus, he ends up not being able to fight things and his body ends up becoming "toxic." SO...very strict diet ahead! We're starting Sunday night - no sugar (fruits OK though), no gluten, preferably no starch at all. SO, we can eat meat, oils of any kind (except peanut - no peanuts or soy), lots of butter (she kept saying to fry things in 4 sticks of butter...hmmm), veggies, and fruit. We're a bit nervous, but willing. And for those asking, yup, I'm going on the diet, too. I definitely want to support Kurt in this and I think by going on the diet with him, I will. And, never hurts to lose a few pounds ;o)
NEXT - My job is cool - dull at times when there are no phone calls, but cool. I've been working a lot this week - put in a 9.5 hour day yesterday with no break.
How 'bout that rain? Mom and Dad have been bailing out people for a couple of days now - sounds like it's finally calming down. Unfortunately, more rain is coming Saturday. Let's keep our fingers crossed that it won't happen.
We had some NASTY storms here in Chicago yesterday. I looked at the radar before I left work at 3:30 and it seemed close, but one of the guys I work with (who has an extra role in the filming of the next Batman movie being filmed here ;o) said "Oh...bout 45 min before it hits." HA! More like 2 min. I barely got out the door before I felt sprinkles - then all hell broke lose. I swear the rain was nearly horizontal and it felt awful! I got drenched - no umbrella was gonna keep me dry. I ran into a nook infront of a business, hoping it would stop. But it didn't. So, I kept walking (by that time, my moss green pants looked black because they were soaked) so I could get to the train. Took forever to get a train, and then it kept stalling - saying it would be a few minutes. Apparently there were some downed trees on the rails. Then, after about 25 min. on the train, at the next stop they told us to get off - that they could go no further. Well, this stop was 5 stops away from home, so I had to get on a few different buses. A trip that normally takes 35 min. (including 15 min. of walking to/from the stations) ended up taking over 1.5 hours! ICK! There are tons of downed trees around our neighborhood. And apparently tons of people close buy had no electricity until this morning. Luckily we've been fine.
Finally - Orientation tomorrow! Not too happy that I have to be there at 8:30 - means I have to leave at 7:30. Ick. I've gotten used to sleeping in until 8 or so...oh well.
I'm SO very excited - we get to make our schedules, meet with our concentration faculty, everything. Yipee.
OK...I'm stopping now.
Take care!
See everyone at Labor Day!!!!
First of all, Kurt and I went to his nutritionist last weekend. Turns out he has a few infections (both passive and active) - not sure how long they have been around, but likely for a while. He takes a drug for Crohn's disease that keeps his body from attacking his infected intestine. In turn, the medication also keeps his body from attacking other infections. Thus, he ends up not being able to fight things and his body ends up becoming "toxic." SO...very strict diet ahead! We're starting Sunday night - no sugar (fruits OK though), no gluten, preferably no starch at all. SO, we can eat meat, oils of any kind (except peanut - no peanuts or soy), lots of butter (she kept saying to fry things in 4 sticks of butter...hmmm), veggies, and fruit. We're a bit nervous, but willing. And for those asking, yup, I'm going on the diet, too. I definitely want to support Kurt in this and I think by going on the diet with him, I will. And, never hurts to lose a few pounds ;o)
NEXT - My job is cool - dull at times when there are no phone calls, but cool. I've been working a lot this week - put in a 9.5 hour day yesterday with no break.
How 'bout that rain? Mom and Dad have been bailing out people for a couple of days now - sounds like it's finally calming down. Unfortunately, more rain is coming Saturday. Let's keep our fingers crossed that it won't happen.
We had some NASTY storms here in Chicago yesterday. I looked at the radar before I left work at 3:30 and it seemed close, but one of the guys I work with (who has an extra role in the filming of the next Batman movie being filmed here ;o) said "Oh...bout 45 min before it hits." HA! More like 2 min. I barely got out the door before I felt sprinkles - then all hell broke lose. I swear the rain was nearly horizontal and it felt awful! I got drenched - no umbrella was gonna keep me dry. I ran into a nook infront of a business, hoping it would stop. But it didn't. So, I kept walking (by that time, my moss green pants looked black because they were soaked) so I could get to the train. Took forever to get a train, and then it kept stalling - saying it would be a few minutes. Apparently there were some downed trees on the rails. Then, after about 25 min. on the train, at the next stop they told us to get off - that they could go no further. Well, this stop was 5 stops away from home, so I had to get on a few different buses. A trip that normally takes 35 min. (including 15 min. of walking to/from the stations) ended up taking over 1.5 hours! ICK! There are tons of downed trees around our neighborhood. And apparently tons of people close buy had no electricity until this morning. Luckily we've been fine.
Finally - Orientation tomorrow! Not too happy that I have to be there at 8:30 - means I have to leave at 7:30. Ick. I've gotten used to sleeping in until 8 or so...oh well.
I'm SO very excited - we get to make our schedules, meet with our concentration faculty, everything. Yipee.
OK...I'm stopping now.
Take care!
See everyone at Labor Day!!!!
Wednesday, August 15, 2007
New job!
I just got a job! Thank goodness - like I've been saying, the domestic life is not for me (but at least I tried ;o) ! I'll be selling season tickets for a theatre company in Old Town (a stylish/upscale neighborhood here in Chicago). It's only temporary (through the beginning of October sometime), since they stop selling them once the first production begins. BUT, I've been pretty bored, so I'm willing to take anything that doesn't require evening/weekend hours. And, I'll be working with ticketing software that will surely come in handy on down the line. What's nice is that I can do this and still hunt for a job on campus. Once the theatre thing is done, I'll hopefully have something all lined up at school. Sounds like a plan ;o)
Tuesday, August 14, 2007
Another Busy Weekend...and my dog, the rock carrier
Busy weekend - Mom and Dad came to visit and traveled in on the Amtrak train. We took 'em to eat at Giordano's (true deep dish pizza), went on the Wendella at night (A boat ride that takes you down the Chicago river and onto the lake to see the amazing Chicago skyline), visited the Museum of Science and Industry, and took them on their very first trip to Trader Joe's (we had to do our grocery shopping at some point ;o). They had a good weekend, at least that's what they said - HA!
Next weekend will be a bit more relaxing (hopefully). Kurt (with me in tow) is going to a nutritionist to help with his recent Crohn's disease problems. We're hoping to find a remedy that doesn't involve more medicine! He's a little nervous that he might have to give up a lot of his favorite foods, but whatever will help works for me!
The next Saturday (Aug. 25th) is my Grad. School Orientation!!!! WOOHOO! I'm so excited to start school and finally have something to do other than domestic stuff - I'm not cut out to be a home-maker ;o)
I have had a few job interviews in the past week or so - last week I was offered 2 different jobs, but took neither. One required weekends and the other required evenings AND weekends AND only paid squat (it was at a non-profit theatre, which would have been cool, but I would like to have a life outside of school and work ;o) - bah. I had another interview yesterday for a theater production company (they put on Broadway shows in the city), but it's only temporary through October. We'll see about that one. If nothing works out, I'm not worried. Once school starts, I wanted to work down on campus anyways.
Funny story.
My dog - the rock carrier. So, today we were on our daily morning walk around our neighborhood. Shosta tends to pick up bottles, large seed pods that fall off of trees, sticks, and various trash (I try to discourage that, though ;o) as we walk around. Today, I accidentally kicked a rock - a BIG one. I stubbed my toe, so I stopped for a second to rub it a little. Then Shosta, for whatever crazy reason, tried to pick up this giant rock with her mouth. She scooted it around with her nose, scratched at it and moved it with her feet, and actually tried to bite it. Not really sure what she was thinking, but it was the funniest thing to watch. Eventually, she lifted it up a little bit, but couldn't really hold it long, so she let it drop. I found another rock that she could actually carry, kicked it in front of her, and away we went, rock in mouth.
Busy weekend - Mom and Dad came to visit and traveled in on the Amtrak train. We took 'em to eat at Giordano's (true deep dish pizza), went on the Wendella at night (A boat ride that takes you down the Chicago river and onto the lake to see the amazing Chicago skyline), visited the Museum of Science and Industry, and took them on their very first trip to Trader Joe's (we had to do our grocery shopping at some point ;o). They had a good weekend, at least that's what they said - HA!
Next weekend will be a bit more relaxing (hopefully). Kurt (with me in tow) is going to a nutritionist to help with his recent Crohn's disease problems. We're hoping to find a remedy that doesn't involve more medicine! He's a little nervous that he might have to give up a lot of his favorite foods, but whatever will help works for me!
The next Saturday (Aug. 25th) is my Grad. School Orientation!!!! WOOHOO! I'm so excited to start school and finally have something to do other than domestic stuff - I'm not cut out to be a home-maker ;o)
I have had a few job interviews in the past week or so - last week I was offered 2 different jobs, but took neither. One required weekends and the other required evenings AND weekends AND only paid squat (it was at a non-profit theatre, which would have been cool, but I would like to have a life outside of school and work ;o) - bah. I had another interview yesterday for a theater production company (they put on Broadway shows in the city), but it's only temporary through October. We'll see about that one. If nothing works out, I'm not worried. Once school starts, I wanted to work down on campus anyways.
Funny story.
My dog - the rock carrier. So, today we were on our daily morning walk around our neighborhood. Shosta tends to pick up bottles, large seed pods that fall off of trees, sticks, and various trash (I try to discourage that, though ;o) as we walk around. Today, I accidentally kicked a rock - a BIG one. I stubbed my toe, so I stopped for a second to rub it a little. Then Shosta, for whatever crazy reason, tried to pick up this giant rock with her mouth. She scooted it around with her nose, scratched at it and moved it with her feet, and actually tried to bite it. Not really sure what she was thinking, but it was the funniest thing to watch. Eventually, she lifted it up a little bit, but couldn't really hold it long, so she let it drop. I found another rock that she could actually carry, kicked it in front of her, and away we went, rock in mouth.
Thursday, August 9, 2007
New Concerts!
So excited - we've got a TON of concerts to go to in September and October. AND, I just got special pre-sale tickets to Interpol. That means I got to buy my tickets before they were open to the public. Now I don't have to wait online forever or worry that I won't get any tickets at all. Woohoo!
Here's our upcoming concerts - and there's a lot of good ones, too - National, Ted Leo, Of Montreal, etc. - Only in Chicago can we see them all :O)
Sept. 22nd - The National @ The Vic Theater
Oct. 3rd - Black Mountain @ The Empty Bottle
Oct. 4th - Voxtrot @ The Metro
Oct. 6th - Of Montreal @ The Metro
Oct. 11th - Interpol @ The Aragon Ballroom
Oct. 12th - Ted Leo and The RX @ The Metro
Oct. 14th - Pinback @ The Metro
We may not have fancy clothes, fancy cars, fancy computers or TV's, or a fancy place to live. But, by golly, we go to a LOT of great concerts! I'd rather have live music than Chanel :O)
Here's our upcoming concerts - and there's a lot of good ones, too - National, Ted Leo, Of Montreal, etc. - Only in Chicago can we see them all :O)
Sept. 22nd - The National @ The Vic Theater
Oct. 3rd - Black Mountain @ The Empty Bottle
Oct. 4th - Voxtrot @ The Metro
Oct. 6th - Of Montreal @ The Metro
Oct. 11th - Interpol @ The Aragon Ballroom
Oct. 12th - Ted Leo and The RX @ The Metro
Oct. 14th - Pinback @ The Metro
We may not have fancy clothes, fancy cars, fancy computers or TV's, or a fancy place to live. But, by golly, we go to a LOT of great concerts! I'd rather have live music than Chanel :O)
Sunday, August 5, 2007
Loads of Fun at Lollapalooza!
Well...Lollapalooza is officially over. PHEW, what a weekend! And SO much fun! The weather on Friday and today (Sunday) was a bit warm, but Saturday was PERFECT - low 80's and overcast. Luckily that was the day that we spent the most time there.
AND - the crowds were aplenty, but nothing near what we thought. The park is fairly expansive, so even though there were 100,000+ people there, it really didn't seem that extreme. We were able to see our "most important" bands up close, and the "not-so-important" bands from afar on our blanket. I didn't feel like tearing my hair out too often, which means it was a good time ;o)
Quick (ha) recap:

Ted Leo and the Rx (above)- GREAT as always. This was our 3rd time seeing them and they were as energetic as ever. They played a few songs from their new CD, but a lot of their older tunes - which was great for those of us who have been fans for a while. Ted (the lead singer/guitarist) is such a vibrant performer who gives his all ever time. We were able to get up pretty close and get a good view, which is always nice! LOVE THEM LOVE THEM LOVE THEM!
The Polyphonic Spree - We've never seen them live - what a crazy show! Unfortunately due to the crowd, we weren't able to get up close, but they have massive screens to watch. As suggested by their name (Polyphonic), they are a band made up of 20+ members including: a ladies chorus of 9, various brass instruments (including a horn!), strings (with a harp that opened the show), various other wind and percussion (including timpani) instruments, and your typical rock band line-up (lead singer, bass, guitar, drumset). The music is very "Happy" and Love is definitely a theme. At times it was a bit dull, BUT the fact that they closed with the Nirvana tune "Lithium" was great!
M.I.A - We heard/watched as we ate. Very interesting. She's a Sri Lankan exile who has lived in England for most of her life. Her music combines rap, electronic, dance hall, and r&b. Very energetic and fairly entertaining, albeit a bit loud. (We were sitting pretty far from the show, but still needed to put our ear plugs in because it was so loud!)
Silversun Pickups - after eating dinner, we TRIED to see these guys, but had to sit and listen instead. They are a fairly respected pop/rock group, but they put them on a small stage near the main "boulevard." So, getting a spot to see them was impossible. But, we heard them pretty well and enjoyed.
We had intended to see the Black Keys and LCD Soundsystem, but I got a pretty nasty sunburn and wasn't feeling so well. So, we went home and rested up for Saturday - our big day!
Tapes 'n Tapes - AWESOME!!!!! And we were really close! We chose them over Pete Yorn; he's more of an inside/evening/intimate singer, and we knew that Tapes would put on a good show. This was the 2nd time we've seen them, and they had a very similar set list which included all of their great songs from their current album (The Loon), some new songs for their next album, and a few old ones. Considered to be "jangle rock," they are very unique when compared with current indie pop/rock. And, as before, they put on a great and VERY energetic, yet honest, show. Kurt and I were commenting on how they were very casual and how we appreciate that - they had a couple thousand people (or more) watching, yet they acted as if they were performing for friends. Good stuff.
Cold War Kids - Yet another popular indie rock band put on a small stage. Not a good idea. Yet again, we were forced to listen instead of watch. We heard most of the set, then went off for lunch. What we heard was pretty impressive. A lot of times, bands don't perform as well as their CD sounds - not so with these guys. Their music isn't uber-detailed, but they played it very well.
We had a break after these guys, so we grabbed an early dinner and found a nice spot to relax. We (unfortunately) were able to hear Motion City Soundtrack and Clap Your Hands Say Yeah while we hung out. Neither of them were what we wanted to hear, but it was impossible to ignore. We have issues with CYHSY - they plain suck. And they opened for our fav. band "The National" once in Columbus. It was a packed house that night, but 75% of the crowd left after Clap Your Hands was finished, leaving the place nearly empty for the headlining band. Argh. And they are the most ANNOYING sounding band. Anywho...you can tell we don't like them.
Moving on...
Hold Steady (Below)- Another great show where we were up close (annoying kids in front of us though...FYI - parents do NOT bring whining kids to Lollapallooza). We chose them over Regina Spector - yet another intimate performer not suitable for a festival. Anywho, this band is a cross between GOOD classic rock (strong rock with good melody/harmony) and talking. Yeah...that's right...the lead singer tends to "sing speak" more than actually he actually sings. BUT, what a super show! We had tickets to see them back when we were in Columbus, but had to sell them so we could come visit here. These guys are no spring chickens and have been in other indie bands, but came together 4 years ago to make great music. Very energetic and very entertaining!

Yeah Yeah Yeahs - The crowd was massive, so we just looked on from afar. I enjoyed their previous album "Fever to tell," but not this album. So, when they played some old songs, it was pretty great. The newer ones, eh. From what I hear, Karen O (the lead singer) puts on quite a show with interesting costumes. But oh well...

Spoon (Above) - This is the second time we've seen Spoon at a festival. Last year at Pitchfork, we were unimpressed. They seemed lifeless and uninspired. Luckily, this year was the opposite. We didn't have the greatest spot to see (well...I didn't, Kurt can always see ;o), but it was still a great show. Spoon is heralded as one of indie music's star bands - considered to be "stripped" down pop rock with a nice groove. They were really quite impressive. Yet another band that performs as well as their album sounds. Super tight and super entertaining.
Interpol (Below)- Dark, smooth dance rock at it's best. We opted for a bench and the big screen for this, as the crowds were very big. We were both pretty wet from the rain (it started back during the Hold Steady), so we didn't mind sitting under the trees. Even though we didn't really see the show up close, the music was terrific. Even so, we decided to leave a little early to beat the crowds to the trains!
We went a little later yesterday than we had hoped because our landlord came over to look at the AC unit upstairs. It was burnt out, so we've been without air in the heat. BUT, he had a smaller unit that he installed for us instead and it WORKS! Yeah for AC! We used it last night and it really helped. Will probably just turn it on at night - don't want to run the electric bill sky high.
Yo La Tengo - We opted to listen rather than watch so we could get a seat for the next show. This band has been around for some 20 years, so they have a massive repertoire. Even so, they played quite a few songs from their latest album ("I am not afraid of you..."). Their psychedelic/jam rock fits well with a festival and was very enjoyable to listen to.

Modest Mouse (Above - Isaac Brock, Johnny Marr) - Yet another of my fav. bands for quite some time. In their most recent releases, they've gone a bit commercial/mainstream. Yet, they have still retained some of their artsy pop characteristics. As always, they put on a good show (this is our 3rd time seeing them) - very entertaining. AND, I had a pretty good view! Unfortunately, most of the crowd was made up of teenagers and young 20's people, so they were singing along to all of the songs. Sigh...I don't want to hear YOU sing - I want to hear Isaac sing! Even though their set included songs from their 2 latest releases, they did play a few from my fav. album - The Moon and Antarctica (try saying that 5 times fast).
We left a little before the end of their show to see....
TV on the Radio - WooHoo! This is our 2nd time seeing them, and we were pleased yet again. TV combines so many styles of music to make their eclectic pop that I wouldn't even know how to explain it - except that it rocks. Their music is very unique, unlike anyone else out there. The first time we saw them was at the Newport in Columbus - that's definitely one of my all time favorite shows. This time wasn't as great, but not because they didn't perform well. They did. But the crowd was pretty awful. TV has quite a few energetic tunes, so much of the crowd was jumping all around. There was a rather large (meaning tall/big boned) girl behind me, which made me nervous. I kept feeling elbow jabs, but I knew if I said something, she might harm me ;o) ANYWHO...still a great musical experience.
And, to close the evening...
Pearl Jam - The band is iconic in modern/mainstream american rock music. Their career has spanned nearly 20 years, and they still continue to put out great music. I've never been a huge fan, although I like much of their music. However, Kurt has been a fan for many many years. He recalls listening to them in his high school years, so this show brought back memories. Yet again, we opted for a far off seat as the entire population of the festival crowd was viewing the concert along with us. We were able to see a screen, so we enjoyed it as they played a lot of older tunes. Once they got into the newer stuff, we decided to head out.
Before we left, we got a few pictures and stopped to buy a T-shirt.
Overall, this was a super experience and if the lineup for next year's festival is just as good, we'll definitely go. The tickets were a bit pricey, but considering the experience, well worth it!
Well...Lollapalooza is officially over. PHEW, what a weekend! And SO much fun! The weather on Friday and today (Sunday) was a bit warm, but Saturday was PERFECT - low 80's and overcast. Luckily that was the day that we spent the most time there.
AND - the crowds were aplenty, but nothing near what we thought. The park is fairly expansive, so even though there were 100,000+ people there, it really didn't seem that extreme. We were able to see our "most important" bands up close, and the "not-so-important" bands from afar on our blanket. I didn't feel like tearing my hair out too often, which means it was a good time ;o)
Quick (ha) recap:

Ted Leo and the Rx (above)- GREAT as always. This was our 3rd time seeing them and they were as energetic as ever. They played a few songs from their new CD, but a lot of their older tunes - which was great for those of us who have been fans for a while. Ted (the lead singer/guitarist) is such a vibrant performer who gives his all ever time. We were able to get up pretty close and get a good view, which is always nice! LOVE THEM LOVE THEM LOVE THEM!
The Polyphonic Spree - We've never seen them live - what a crazy show! Unfortunately due to the crowd, we weren't able to get up close, but they have massive screens to watch. As suggested by their name (Polyphonic), they are a band made up of 20+ members including: a ladies chorus of 9, various brass instruments (including a horn!), strings (with a harp that opened the show), various other wind and percussion (including timpani) instruments, and your typical rock band line-up (lead singer, bass, guitar, drumset). The music is very "Happy" and Love is definitely a theme. At times it was a bit dull, BUT the fact that they closed with the Nirvana tune "Lithium" was great!
M.I.A - We heard/watched as we ate. Very interesting. She's a Sri Lankan exile who has lived in England for most of her life. Her music combines rap, electronic, dance hall, and r&b. Very energetic and fairly entertaining, albeit a bit loud. (We were sitting pretty far from the show, but still needed to put our ear plugs in because it was so loud!)
Silversun Pickups - after eating dinner, we TRIED to see these guys, but had to sit and listen instead. They are a fairly respected pop/rock group, but they put them on a small stage near the main "boulevard." So, getting a spot to see them was impossible. But, we heard them pretty well and enjoyed.
We had intended to see the Black Keys and LCD Soundsystem, but I got a pretty nasty sunburn and wasn't feeling so well. So, we went home and rested up for Saturday - our big day!
Tapes 'n Tapes - AWESOME!!!!! And we were really close! We chose them over Pete Yorn; he's more of an inside/evening/intimate singer, and we knew that Tapes would put on a good show. This was the 2nd time we've seen them, and they had a very similar set list which included all of their great songs from their current album (The Loon), some new songs for their next album, and a few old ones. Considered to be "jangle rock," they are very unique when compared with current indie pop/rock. And, as before, they put on a great and VERY energetic, yet honest, show. Kurt and I were commenting on how they were very casual and how we appreciate that - they had a couple thousand people (or more) watching, yet they acted as if they were performing for friends. Good stuff.
Cold War Kids - Yet another popular indie rock band put on a small stage. Not a good idea. Yet again, we were forced to listen instead of watch. We heard most of the set, then went off for lunch. What we heard was pretty impressive. A lot of times, bands don't perform as well as their CD sounds - not so with these guys. Their music isn't uber-detailed, but they played it very well.
We had a break after these guys, so we grabbed an early dinner and found a nice spot to relax. We (unfortunately) were able to hear Motion City Soundtrack and Clap Your Hands Say Yeah while we hung out. Neither of them were what we wanted to hear, but it was impossible to ignore. We have issues with CYHSY - they plain suck. And they opened for our fav. band "The National" once in Columbus. It was a packed house that night, but 75% of the crowd left after Clap Your Hands was finished, leaving the place nearly empty for the headlining band. Argh. And they are the most ANNOYING sounding band. Anywho...you can tell we don't like them.
Moving on...
Hold Steady (Below)- Another great show where we were up close (annoying kids in front of us though...FYI - parents do NOT bring whining kids to Lollapallooza). We chose them over Regina Spector - yet another intimate performer not suitable for a festival. Anywho, this band is a cross between GOOD classic rock (strong rock with good melody/harmony) and talking. Yeah...that's right...the lead singer tends to "sing speak" more than actually he actually sings. BUT, what a super show! We had tickets to see them back when we were in Columbus, but had to sell them so we could come visit here. These guys are no spring chickens and have been in other indie bands, but came together 4 years ago to make great music. Very energetic and very entertaining!

Yeah Yeah Yeahs - The crowd was massive, so we just looked on from afar. I enjoyed their previous album "Fever to tell," but not this album. So, when they played some old songs, it was pretty great. The newer ones, eh. From what I hear, Karen O (the lead singer) puts on quite a show with interesting costumes. But oh well...

Spoon (Above) - This is the second time we've seen Spoon at a festival. Last year at Pitchfork, we were unimpressed. They seemed lifeless and uninspired. Luckily, this year was the opposite. We didn't have the greatest spot to see (well...I didn't, Kurt can always see ;o), but it was still a great show. Spoon is heralded as one of indie music's star bands - considered to be "stripped" down pop rock with a nice groove. They were really quite impressive. Yet another band that performs as well as their album sounds. Super tight and super entertaining.
Interpol (Below)- Dark, smooth dance rock at it's best. We opted for a bench and the big screen for this, as the crowds were very big. We were both pretty wet from the rain (it started back during the Hold Steady), so we didn't mind sitting under the trees. Even though we didn't really see the show up close, the music was terrific. Even so, we decided to leave a little early to beat the crowds to the trains!
We went a little later yesterday than we had hoped because our landlord came over to look at the AC unit upstairs. It was burnt out, so we've been without air in the heat. BUT, he had a smaller unit that he installed for us instead and it WORKS! Yeah for AC! We used it last night and it really helped. Will probably just turn it on at night - don't want to run the electric bill sky high.
Yo La Tengo - We opted to listen rather than watch so we could get a seat for the next show. This band has been around for some 20 years, so they have a massive repertoire. Even so, they played quite a few songs from their latest album ("I am not afraid of you..."). Their psychedelic/jam rock fits well with a festival and was very enjoyable to listen to.

Modest Mouse (Above - Isaac Brock, Johnny Marr) - Yet another of my fav. bands for quite some time. In their most recent releases, they've gone a bit commercial/mainstream. Yet, they have still retained some of their artsy pop characteristics. As always, they put on a good show (this is our 3rd time seeing them) - very entertaining. AND, I had a pretty good view! Unfortunately, most of the crowd was made up of teenagers and young 20's people, so they were singing along to all of the songs. Sigh...I don't want to hear YOU sing - I want to hear Isaac sing! Even though their set included songs from their 2 latest releases, they did play a few from my fav. album - The Moon and Antarctica (try saying that 5 times fast).
We left a little before the end of their show to see....
TV on the Radio - WooHoo! This is our 2nd time seeing them, and we were pleased yet again. TV combines so many styles of music to make their eclectic pop that I wouldn't even know how to explain it - except that it rocks. Their music is very unique, unlike anyone else out there. The first time we saw them was at the Newport in Columbus - that's definitely one of my all time favorite shows. This time wasn't as great, but not because they didn't perform well. They did. But the crowd was pretty awful. TV has quite a few energetic tunes, so much of the crowd was jumping all around. There was a rather large (meaning tall/big boned) girl behind me, which made me nervous. I kept feeling elbow jabs, but I knew if I said something, she might harm me ;o) ANYWHO...still a great musical experience.
And, to close the evening...
Pearl Jam - The band is iconic in modern/mainstream american rock music. Their career has spanned nearly 20 years, and they still continue to put out great music. I've never been a huge fan, although I like much of their music. However, Kurt has been a fan for many many years. He recalls listening to them in his high school years, so this show brought back memories. Yet again, we opted for a far off seat as the entire population of the festival crowd was viewing the concert along with us. We were able to see a screen, so we enjoyed it as they played a lot of older tunes. Once they got into the newer stuff, we decided to head out.
Before we left, we got a few pictures and stopped to buy a T-shirt.
Overall, this was a super experience and if the lineup for next year's festival is just as good, we'll definitely go. The tickets were a bit pricey, but considering the experience, well worth it!
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