We just CAN'T seem to stay away from Chicago ;o) We made another trip this past Thursday-Saturday for Kurt to interview at several businesses. That's the 3rd time in the month of May! Every other weekend...sigh. And what made it crazier this weekend was the lack of sleep ;o) We left Thursday after work and didn't get to our hotel until 1am Friday morning. THEN, we left Chicago to come home Friday night at 10:30pm. We didn't end up getting home until 5am Saturday morning.
Needless to say, our sleep STILL isn't back to normal.
BUT, Kurt had two great interviews and walked away with one job offer already and hopefully another to come in the next few days.
The offer he got on Friday was really REALLY good - it will be a stressful job managing software and databases in the stock trading industry, but the environment sounds great, the financial opportunity is pretty amazing, and it will help him to grow even more. AND, they typically hire M.I.T. or Berkley grads (the two most prestigious comp. science schools), which says a lot about Kurt ;o) Congrats to my hubby!
So, while Kurt was getting grilled in the tech. interviews, I had a nice time exploring the Magnificent Mile. I visited the great Museum of Contemporary Art (#1) and walked down Michigan. I had lunch at The Grand Lux Cafe (#2), which was superb. Then I rode the train a bit and visited the main branch of the Chicago Public Library.

So...when we got back Saturday morning at 5am, we went right to bed and slept until 11:00. Got up, went to eat and do some shopping, then came back and took a nap (like a bunch of old farts, we are ;o). We were so beat, and we wanted to get sleep for Saturday night.
Saturday night was our last "Gallery Hop" in the Short North (the arts district of Columbus). We're very sad :o( It's a great event the first Saturday of the Month where all of the stores and galleries in the Short North stay open until11pm and have their exhibit openings. We had a great time (even though we were pretty tired) walking around. AND we got to see the new lights on the arches! Long time coming...

And finally, last night, we went to a great concert at Little Brother's. Unfortunately, this fabulous club is closing due to a huge hike in their rent (stupid landlords). SO, the GREATEST club in Central Ohio is no more at the end of the month. Sniff Sniff. We got to see Miranda Sound (great local band) AND it was free because they were recording a live album. Very cool.

OK...that's enough for tonight. We have to get some dinner, pick up my new glasses (woohoo) and then I have to practice piano. I'm playing for Kindergarten graduation tomorrow!
Oh...my last day of school was today. Good day, lots of hugs from little kids ;o)
Take care!
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