Ah, the joys of being 26 going on 80.
Back in March, I started experiencing a lot of pain in my left knee. Eventually, I began to feel it in my right knee as well. At times, it was/is pretty unbearable (including this past weekend...darn yoga and all the hands and knees positions). SO, I finally went to the doctor last week. Turns out I have Patellafemoral Syndrome. Long story short - the knee cap moves and has been grinding into my bones. Yipee.
For some people, it goes away after a month or two, for others it takes a couple of years. Considering it's been 10 or so months, I guess I'm on track for a year or more. Yipee, again.
To help build muscles (hoping that that will keep the knee cap in place) and heal the ligaments/tendons around the knee, my doctor prescribed that I go to physical therapy. I'm all scheduled for next week...surprisingly I have a bit more time free when school starts than I do this week (I'm sure I won't be saying that for too long).
My only problem is that I really wanted to start a regular schedule of yoga classes at the Y, but I may not be able to handle all of the stress on my knees of 2-3 therapy sessions and 2-3 yoga classes per week. We'll see. I may just have to do 1 yoga class until I'm "rehabilitated." Sound like a drunk or druggie, huh?
Well...rehab is the fashionable thing to do these days. Goodness knows I'm always fashionable.
I tried to keep it going, but I can't stop laughing....me, fashionable. That's just so funny.
Thursday, January 24, 2008
Tuesday, January 22, 2008
Spring is here...sorta
Ah, spring is here. Well...not really (especially seeing as how we got a good two or so inches of snow last night ;o).
Spring semester has almost started! I have my "J-term" workshop starting today, which I am super excited about. I am going to be learning the "ins-and-outs" of Tessitura, the Customer Management application used by over 100 performing arts organizations across the nation. This is a short class (from today to Saturday), but it should prove to be valuable if I decide to get an internship with Chicago Symphony Orchestra.
Monday, Jan. 28th, is technically my first day of spring semester. I'm taking a few more hours than I did last semester, so we'll see how that goes. Here's my class schedule...
Monday - Marketing
Tuesday - Advanced Accounting & Data and Statistical Analysis
Thursday - Arts, Media & the Law
Saturday - Project Management Workshop (it only lasts 5 weeks, thank goodness).
Along with all of that, I'm hoping to get a job somewhere - maybe even on campus. It was nice to have time to do my homework and all...but I go nuts if I'm home too much. Although, I'm sure shosta will be sad if I'm not home as much...
Ok...gotta scoot. I've got a few chapters and articles to read for Marketing!
Take care!
Spring semester has almost started! I have my "J-term" workshop starting today, which I am super excited about. I am going to be learning the "ins-and-outs" of Tessitura, the Customer Management application used by over 100 performing arts organizations across the nation. This is a short class (from today to Saturday), but it should prove to be valuable if I decide to get an internship with Chicago Symphony Orchestra.
Monday, Jan. 28th, is technically my first day of spring semester. I'm taking a few more hours than I did last semester, so we'll see how that goes. Here's my class schedule...
Monday - Marketing
Tuesday - Advanced Accounting & Data and Statistical Analysis
Thursday - Arts, Media & the Law
Saturday - Project Management Workshop (it only lasts 5 weeks, thank goodness).
Along with all of that, I'm hoping to get a job somewhere - maybe even on campus. It was nice to have time to do my homework and all...but I go nuts if I'm home too much. Although, I'm sure shosta will be sad if I'm not home as much...
Ok...gotta scoot. I've got a few chapters and articles to read for Marketing!
Take care!
Monday, January 14, 2008
My new wedding band!
How excited am I? VERY excited!
Kurt and I have been discussing a new wedding band for my ring for quite some time now. The engagement ring that we decided upon is beautiful, but the band that came with the set is very thin, and if you weren't looking close enough, you would think that I'm just engaged. I've been looking for a long time...you know, the typical websites, mall jewelry stores, etc.
One day I was looking around on the internet and found a fabulous jewelry designer here in Chicago with amazing designs. So, I emailed to inquire about pricing and she sent me a complimentary entrance into a HUGE art show called "The One of a Kind Show" (where we bought the painting seen below). We visited and I absolutely fell in love with her designs. Since they were more expensive than the ordinary stuff I had been looking at online (and being the cheap-o that I am), I conceded that I didn't need anything like that.
Then came Christmas Eve's Eve (the 23rd)...the day that Kurt and I open gifts...
First had come the Wicked Soundtrack, then the Wicked shirt...and one more gift. I opened the bag and box and there was a design from Ellie Thompson! Albeit a bit frightening at first (it almost look black, but I later found out that CAD designs don't show silver shades well), I was so excited!
Come to find out...
Kurt went to Ellie's studio a few weeks earlier and picked out a design based on the one that I really liked at the art show! What a guy! He knew that if HE didn't initiate the ring design, that I certainly wouldn't do it myself.
SO...fast forward to this past Saturday. We went in to review the design and select stones for the ring (it's going to have purple and light green sapphires as well diamonds). How much fun! She showed us other designs she was working on as well as pieces that she's working on for her Spring and Fall release events. She has "soirées" twice a year where she invites her clients to...they are in her design studio which overlooks Millennium park. How exciting!
Now...I'm just waiting for the ring...2-3 weeks. She also has my engagement ring - she's repairing it and giving it a new, more secure head for the diamond to sit in.
I can not wait!!!!!
Here's the link to her designs...

Kurt and I have been discussing a new wedding band for my ring for quite some time now. The engagement ring that we decided upon is beautiful, but the band that came with the set is very thin, and if you weren't looking close enough, you would think that I'm just engaged. I've been looking for a long time...you know, the typical websites, mall jewelry stores, etc.
One day I was looking around on the internet and found a fabulous jewelry designer here in Chicago with amazing designs. So, I emailed to inquire about pricing and she sent me a complimentary entrance into a HUGE art show called "The One of a Kind Show" (where we bought the painting seen below). We visited and I absolutely fell in love with her designs. Since they were more expensive than the ordinary stuff I had been looking at online (and being the cheap-o that I am), I conceded that I didn't need anything like that.
Then came Christmas Eve's Eve (the 23rd)...the day that Kurt and I open gifts...
First had come the Wicked Soundtrack, then the Wicked shirt...and one more gift. I opened the bag and box and there was a design from Ellie Thompson! Albeit a bit frightening at first (it almost look black, but I later found out that CAD designs don't show silver shades well), I was so excited!
Come to find out...
Kurt went to Ellie's studio a few weeks earlier and picked out a design based on the one that I really liked at the art show! What a guy! He knew that if HE didn't initiate the ring design, that I certainly wouldn't do it myself.
SO...fast forward to this past Saturday. We went in to review the design and select stones for the ring (it's going to have purple and light green sapphires as well diamonds). How much fun! She showed us other designs she was working on as well as pieces that she's working on for her Spring and Fall release events. She has "soirées" twice a year where she invites her clients to...they are in her design studio which overlooks Millennium park. How exciting!
Now...I'm just waiting for the ring...2-3 weeks. She also has my engagement ring - she's repairing it and giving it a new, more secure head for the diamond to sit in.
I can not wait!!!!!
Here's the link to her designs...

Saturday, January 5, 2008
OK...so here's the deal...we finally got a digital camera (go figure...being computer geeks and all) and I decided to post some of my first pictures! That's us up there with my new hair cut (which you can't see very well).
This is the painting that we bought at the "one of a kind show" back in December. SO pretty!
Daddy and Shosta
Up close and personal with Shostakovich!
Kisses for daddy!!
More pictures to come!!!! Yipee!
Tuesday, January 1, 2008
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